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Category Archives: racial profiling

The Blame Game

[BOOKS: On the Loose in Boston, On the Loose in Washington, DC, On the Loose in Philadelphia, On the Loose in New York City, and graphic novel Starling, serialized at]

Hollywood reboots for the Trump presidency

Click to see the cartoon at The Boston Globe. Click to see the rest of the cartoon here. [BOOKS: On the Loose in Boston, On the Loose in Washington, DC, On the Loose in Philadelphia, On the Loose in New York City, and graphic novel Starling, serialized at]

Another Sh*thole Country

[BOOKS: On the Loose in Boston, On the Loose in Washington, DC, On the Loose in Philadelphia and graphic novel Starling.]

Different Worlds

[BOOKS: Starling, On the Loose in Boston, On the Loose in Washington, DC, and On the Loose in Philadelphia]

Boys in the Hood

Click to see the the cartoon at The

The Arrest Heard Round the World